INSTRUCTIONS TO PAGE AUTHORS: Please use the template below (under the triple horizontal bars) for constructing your WhoZoo pages. This template was written in Netscape Composer, the editing software available on on the Wesleyan computers, and is intended to be used with Netscape Composer.
See the Instructions for the WhoZoo Web Page for detailed information on how to use Netscape Composer for working with this template.CARFULLY READ THE INSTRUCTIONS BOTH ON THIS PAGE AND ON THE TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS. THESE WILL ANSWER MANY QUESTIONS YOU HAVE AND WILL SAVE A LOT OF REPAIRS LATER ON.
The format and kind of information you will need for your page are indicated below. INSTRUCTIONS are written in black. EXAMPLES are written in green. Both should be removed as you fill the template with the information on your animal.
Assignment 2:
(See Instructions for due date)
- Write in the name of your animal in the space indicated below.
- Replace the picture of the lions below with a picture of your animal.
- You can change the size of the image, by putting the cursor in the corner of the image until you see a diagonal arrow.
Then just move the corner back and forth to get the size image you want.- Click on the picture and make a link to the full-sized image of your animal.
Fill in all sections of "The Box" below.- Now go all the way down to the bottom of the page and replace "Marco Marinara" with your name as page author.
- Put in your E-mail link
- Use the "Preview" button of Page Compose to see how your page is coming along! If something doesn't seem to be working, or if you get confused, ask a friend, or ask me in class or E-mail me for assistance. Be sure to SAVE your work frequently as you go along.
Assignment 3: Fill in the remaining boxes below with the appropriate information
(See Instructions for due date)
The type of information that goes in each section is illustrated in the samples below, using a green font. Additional instructions and tips are in black.Each of the boxes below (and the one above) is a Table. You can create any additional tables you need, using the "Table" control above. Tables are useful for organizing information on your page, and can be placed in various positions on the page. Right-click on any of the tables on this page, then select "Table Properties" to see what options you have. "Borderless" (set border line width = 0) tables can help to position material exactly where you want it on a page. This allows you to set the size, color, alignment, etc. of materials in tables. The borders will show as dotted lines in your text editor, but won't show up on the page. You can also set up tables within tables.
General information: ![]() The foxfaced fish is very passive and peaceful. They are seldom aggressive towards other fish. Yet, when they are frightened the anal and dorsal spines erect. They possess a toxin that is more painful than any common Lionfish. However, it is not deadly. INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: In this box is a good place to talk about social groupings and how the animal makes its living. Take a look at the Table Properties of this or one of the other tables and note that the "cell padding" value is set to 10. This keeps the text from running right into the table boundary. Try some other values to see how it looks. I have also used the "Indent" feature to pull the text more into the interior of the box. The left and right pointing arrows above control the indent. Put your cursor on this paragraph and then increase and decrease the indent to see what it does. |
Personal Observations:
I was able to observe the foxfaced fish in
mine friend's tank. They pretty much are like any other fish, mind
their own business and keep to themselves. Yet, they are amazing
to watch.
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: In this space include any personal observations you have made on the animal you are studying. This is a fun thing to do. Go hang out at the zoo for a couple of hours and call it homework. Such a deal! |
Source Materials and Related Links:
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: You must cite all sources used in constructing your page. Read the requirements for sources again, to be sure you meet criteria. Other possible sources for information besides the print materials mentioned above and the Internet are the information placards at the zoo, interviews with zoo personnel or other knowledgable people. In this space, you may also put links to other online information about your animal. Many other zoos have web pages and you may want to link your animal's page with that of the same species at other zoos. A good place to look for other zoo pages is NetVet's List of Zoo Home Pages. Examples of related sources and links for lions.
![]() Send E-mail to or to INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: Choose either the male or female hacker
image (just delete the other one), and fill in your own name and E-mail
If you get confused, E-mail me at:
WhoZoo HomeMammals at the Fort Worth Zoo
Birds at the Fort Worth Zoo
Reptiles and Amphibians at the Fort Worth Zoo
Fish at the Fort Worth Zoo
Invertebrates at the Fort Worth Zoo
The links above return to the WhoZoo Home page
and to the Animal Information Index.
You may also add one or more of the related links that follow.
Just delete the ones that are not appropriate for your page.
After your page is completed, I will add a link to your page
from one of the pages above. )